Asset Query

Query and fetch the most recent asset matching the given metadata key-value pairs

Asset Queries are available for Set Attribute Value and Set Property actions. With these actions we can perform a search through the current org's Asset Library, for specific assets that have a given set of metadata key-value pairs.

The query will always return ONLY ONE asset - the last updated asset that matches the metadata provided, and of the type required by the action.

For example: a Set Attribute Value action on an attribute of type asset-texture will only search for texture assets.

In this scenario, the catalog item has two metadata fields on it - Name and Family.

We can then use the Asset Query option for the Set Property action inside the Template Material, in order to find the three texture assets and assign them automatically.

Take note that the Asset Query is currently labelled Metadata Query in the ThreeKit UI

The usage of the Asset Query with a Set Attribute Value action is exactly the same as shown above. The option is only available on attributes of type asset.

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