Physical Material

Like many modern tools, we support the standard physically based PBR model. The supported parameters are below.


Also called base color or diffuse. The surface color. sRGB space.


The opacity of the object, how much can one see what is behind the object. This means that it affects all aspects of the object’s interaction with light. sRGB space.


This controls only the base layer’s interaction with light and not its clear coat or specular highlight interactions. This is very useful for creating glass which interacts with specular light but is transparent in the diffuse layer. sRGB space.


Also called Metalness. The metallic-ness (0 = dielectric, 1 = metallic). This is a linear blend between two different models. The metallic model has no diffuse component and also has a tinted incident specular, equal to the base color. Uses only the Blue channel. Linear Space.


Surface roughness, controls both diffuse and specular response. Uses only the Green channel. Linear space.


The direction and intensity of anisotropic stretching of the specular highlight. It can be mapped with a vector image that has the Red and Green channels defining the intensity and rotation of the specular. The Anisotropy Factor and Anisotropy Rotation act as multipliers on top of the map. Linear space.


The Color and Color Map Asset will map the regular specular similar to the Glossiness/Specular shader model. This uses the full RGB components of the map, and so it can tint the specular with whatever color is chosen. This uses sRGB space.

The Index of Refraction defines the strength of the Fresnel curve for reflectivity. Higher numbers here will increase the frontal (0-degree) reflectivity, while the side (90-degree) reflectivity will always stay at 100%.

The Specular Intensity and Intensity Map will affect the overall reflectivity of the material, including the reflectivity at the sides (90-degree). This uses the Linear space.

The overall Specular is increasingly ignored as metalness gets increased, and fully ignored when metalness = 1.


Sheen is used to add a sort of fabric sheen/peach fuzz look to materials. It works somewhat similar to the traditional falloff, except that it does not allow control over the falloff curve or colour.

Note: Currently experimental

Clear Coat

A second, special-purpose specular lobe.

Thickness This determines how much light interacts with the clear coat. 0 means no interaction where as 1 means that the clear coat is infinitely thick.

Roughness The roughness of the clear coat layer.

Normal This allows the clear coat to have its own normal map, separate from that of the underlying surface. Linear space.


Perturbs the surface normals in a low quality fashion. Linear space.


Perturbs the surface normal. Uses the standard object tangent space. Linear space.


Brightens the whole material. sRGB space.

Ambient Occlusion

Allows for use of pre-baked Ambient Occlusion maps that darken the diffuse and specular components. Linear space.


Uses the unwrapped baked UV set. A baked light that is used as indirect diffuse on the surface. Thus it has the effect of lighting the albedo diffuse layer. sRGB space.

Note: Currently experimental

Last updated

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