

  • Image

  • Vector


Recolor an image or vector by mapping each color to the closest color listed in the Colors property. The distance can be computed in two color spaces; RGB or HSL. In case of equidistance between two or more colors, the first one found it the one assigned.


  • Colors: List of color listed either by CSS color code or color name

    • ex.: purple, #ff0000, #abcd56, black

  • Color Space: RGB or HSL space


  • An SVG with a gradient only maps the limit of the gradient and not the intermediate colors.

    • The work around for this is to create a canvas and use the vector node in a canvas composite then add the posterization operator.

  • An embedded image in an SVG file won't be recolored.

    • The same work around using a canvas composite works in this case

Posterization has been added as an operator for images. Now you can recolor images in real-time to a predefined list of colors. For example, if a Customer only prints 20 set colors or in black and white, Threekit can automatically recolor image uploads to those 20 colors in the configurator. Threekit can also export the recolored images for post-order workflows. Head over to a Texture asset and add the Posterization Operator. Then you can add a list of colors using HEX code or HTML color names

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