Shadow Plane

Shadow Plane is a performant way to get floor shadows in your browser WebGL scene. A projection of the geometry is done from above. The distance of the geometry from the top of the projection to the Shadow Plane is calculated. Then a texture is saved and applied to the Shadow Plane asset. Meshes closer to the Shadow Plane appear darker and meshes farther away appear a lighter grey, much like a depth map. Threekit then exposes features to adjust the look of the direction and direction of the projection. The Shadow Plane doesn’t export to AR and is a great option for adding more realism to your browser WebGL scene.

Shadow Plane




Determines how see-through the texture is. Numeric Range:

  • 1 = Defaulted value. Completely opaque.

  • .1 - .9 = Gets more see-through the lower the value input.

  • 0 = Completely see-through.


Blurs the Shadow Plane. Numeric Range:

  • 0 = Unblurred and sharp shadow.

  • .1 - .9 = Gets more blurred the higher the value inputted.

  • 1 = Completely blurred and soft shadow.


This determines the size of the texture. The smaller the resolution is less detailed but loads faster.


Defaulted value. Saves out a 512x512 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Saves out a 1024x1024 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Saves out a 2048x2048 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Defaulted value. Saves out a 512x512 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Saves out a 1024x1024 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Saves out a 2048x2048 texture applied to the Shadow Plane.


Adjust the lateral axis of the projection of the Shadow Plane. Both the Pitch and Yaw will adjust the angle of the shadows, so that if needed, you can make the shadows match your scene’s lighting more accurately. Numeric Range:

  • 0 = Defaulted value.

  • 89 to -89 = The higher the number the longer the shadow and lower the projection will be.


Adjust the perpendicular projection of the Shadow Plane. Both the Pitch and Yaw will adjust the angle of the shadows, so that if needed, you can make the shadows match your scene’s lighting more accurately.

For Yaw you must have a number in Pitch other than 0 to see the effects.

Numeric Range:

  • 0 = Defaulted value.

  • 89 to -89 = Changes the direction of the shadow.

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